中介者模式是用来协调一组同事,这些同事可能互相不直接交流,而是中介者。 在下面的例子中,Colleague A 想聊天,Colleague B 想打架。当他们做一些动作,他们唤醒中介者去做。
package designpatterns.mediator; interface IMediator { public void fight(); public void talk(); public void registerA(ColleagueA a); public void registerB(ColleagueB a);} //concrete mediatorclass ConcreteMediator implements IMediator{ ColleagueA talk; ColleagueB fight; public void registerA(ColleagueA a){ talk = a; } public void registerB(ColleagueB b){ fight = b; } public void fight(){ System.out.println("Mediator is fighting"); //let the fight colleague do some stuff } public void talk(){ System.out.println("Mediator is talking"); //let the talk colleague do some stuff }} abstract class Colleague { IMediator mediator; public abstract void doSomething();} //concrete colleagueclass ColleagueA extends Colleague { public ColleagueA(IMediator mediator) { this.mediator = mediator; } @Override public void doSomething() { this.mediator.talk(); this.mediator.registerA(this); }} //concrete colleagueclass ColleagueB extends Colleague { public ColleagueB(IMediator mediator) { this.mediator = mediator; this.mediator.registerB(this); } @Override public void doSomething() { this.mediator.fight(); }} public class MediatorTest { public static void main(String[] args) { IMediator mediator = new ConcreteMediator(); ColleagueA talkColleague = new ColleagueA(mediator); ColleagueB fightColleague = new ColleagueB(mediator); talkColleague.doSomething(); fightColleague.doSomething(); }}